Wednesday, 10 November 2010
PARC - touching computing history
At PARC I had the chance to talk to people about some of our current projects. Les Nelson has done interesting work on public displays [1]. This work is highly relevant to ideas we pursue in the pdnet project and it was great to get a first person view from the researchers involved.
Being at PARC history of computing is all around you! Seeing the original Ethernet cable, tapes from Alan Kay or Lucy Suchman, the Alto computer, one of the original laser printer, and different Ubicomp artifacts from Mark Weiser's group really makes you feel that this is a special place for anyone interested in personal computing and ubicomp.
[1] Elizabeth F. Churchill, Les Nelson, and Gary Hsieh. 2006. Cafe life in the digital age: augmenting information flow in a cafe;-work-entertainment space. In CHI '06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI '06). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 123-128. DOI=10.1145/1125451.1125481
Monday, 18 October 2010
Random Links for Scientific Search in CS
Scientific search sides:
Digital libraries:
Listings of publications, co-authors, and relationships:
Digital libraries:
Listings of publications, co-authors, and relationships:
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Do tangible user interface make sense? Yes they are a great design tool.
The question "Do tangible user interface make sense?" is a question that probably everyone who seriously works in this field has asked themselves once in a while.
Seeing the iPhone and iPod app of the people doing the reactable made me think about this question again! What is really - in the use case of the reactbale the value of the physical over the touch screen? Or is it just sentimental and old school to believe in the physical? Not sure … needs probably some more thinking and research ;-)
One other points which this example underlines is that tangible interaction is a great design tool (still in the process of writing a paper about this - but here the basic idea for discussion). And I strongly believe that this is a great value for user interface design in general. I suggest the following approach:
One other points which this example underlines is that tangible interaction is a great design tool (still in the process of writing a paper about this - but here the basic idea for discussion). And I strongly believe that this is a great value for user interface design in general. I suggest the following approach:
- Analyze your task
- Find data elements that can be made tangible
- Find operators/manipulators on the data elements that can be made tangible
- Create a tangible user interface to realize all the interaction required
- Port it to a touch screen or conventional user interface
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Will social science change completely?
Seeing the recent post on (Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex) made me think if we are approaching a point where our understanding of society will massively change (hopefully for the good) and where we will get much greater insights in who we are. Is this similar to the era of the invention of the microscope? Things become visible and one does not need to guess anymore?
The amount of data collected on websites is huge - and in many cases the data is probably of very high quality as it matter to people who contributed it (probably higher than what you get with a random questionnaire) . I think this is exciting and looking at some of our project proposals going beyond explicit data collection to implicit data collection may even make this approach stronger (adding another x10 on the new microscopes).
The amount of data collected on websites is huge - and in many cases the data is probably of very high quality as it matter to people who contributed it (probably higher than what you get with a random questionnaire) . I think this is exciting and looking at some of our project proposals going beyond explicit data collection to implicit data collection may even make this approach stronger (adding another x10 on the new microscopes).
Friday, 8 October 2010
Competitions in computer science for schools

- Informatik Biber (the general CS completion for students from class 5-13, last year some 80.000 pupils took part)
- Bundeswettbewerb Informatik (the more difficult completion, last year bit more that 1000 pupils took part)
Friday, 1 October 2010
Two automotive deadlines today!
- Early registration deadline of the 2nd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI 2010)
- Submission deadline for the Special Issue of the IEEE Pervasive Computing magazine on "Automotive Pervasive Computing"
With regard to the special issue I heard that there is a chance to get a few days extension ;-)
Monday, 27 September 2010
Ubicomp 2010

As Ubicomp is not held at a hotel (which I like) there is also no conference hotel with a default bar. Hence the organziers name a Ubicomp 2010 bar: Nyhavn 17. I think this is a good idea!
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Ubicomp 2010 Workshop: Ubiquitous Computing for Sustainable Energy (UCSE2010)

If you are more interested in the topic please have a look at the workshop web page. There are also the online proceedings available as well as some results of the discussion. During the workshop we got some feedback on facebook, a colleague stated: "if we didn't have ubiquitous computing, our energy situation would be more sustainable ... every time, for instance, a customer upgrades their mobile - iphone 5, anyone, the energy waste is huge". I think that is a really important and valid comment, and I made the following reply "it is more complicated than that, e.g. how does this change if you use public transport instead of your Hummer (=personal lorry) because of your iPhone 5 ;-) or as you do your email on the iPhone and hence do not have a PC at home anymore ... to be more serious one of the questions we posed the questions if sustainability is a CS topic and in what sense (or if this is rather a political questions)". Adrian added a further response: "consumerism clearly has a lot to answer for. If we didn't have conference travel, or didn't submit the papers in the first place? ... :-) I'm sure you know: Elaine M. Huang, Khai N. Truong's CHI 2008 paper: Breaking the Disposable Technology Paradigm..." [1]. We continued this discussion over dinner and I think the ultimate answer is to go towards a live style of reduced consumption - but I expected this would crash our current economic system…

[1] Huang, E. M. and Truong, K. N. 2008. Breaking the disposable technology paradigm: opportunities for sustainable interaction design for mobile phones. In Proceeding of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05 - 10, 2008). CHI '08. ACM, New York, NY, 323-332. DOI=
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
PD-NET web page and facebook page
The project objectives are:
- To create enabling technologies for large-scale pervasive display networks through the design, development and evaluation of a robust, scalable, distributed and open platform for interconnecting displays and their sensors.
- To establish Europe as the international centre for work on pervasive display networks.
- To address key scientific challenges that may inhibit the widespread adoption of pervasive display network technology: Tensions between privacy and personalization, situated displays, business and legislative requirements, User Interaction.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Interviewing with Rikke Friis Dam and Mads Søgaard
Rikke Friis Dam and Mads Søgaard are currently working on a re-launch of the website The side has over the last years involved in a useful resource for researchers and practitioners in human computer interaction and interaction design. There is a very comprehensive calendar that includes most relevant events in HCI.

With their current work Rikke and Mads pursue a mission to create a new and free resource for teaching and learning interaction design and HCI. In a first step they work with researchers (like myself) around the world that are experts on a certain topic (in my case context-awareness and implicit interaction) to create new teaching materials. This includes a chapter (about 3000 words) that has tutorial character and interviews in which specific topics are discussed in more details.
It was great fun to work with them and I look forward to seeing the new material online.

With their current work Rikke and Mads pursue a mission to create a new and free resource for teaching and learning interaction design and HCI. In a first step they work with researchers (like myself) around the world that are experts on a certain topic (in my case context-awareness and implicit interaction) to create new teaching materials. This includes a chapter (about 3000 words) that has tutorial character and interviews in which specific topics are discussed in more details.
It was great fun to work with them and I look forward to seeing the new material online.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
CFP - new conference series: Augmented Human
From the cfp
"The second Augmented Human (AH) International Conference will be held
in Tokyo Water Front on March 12th, 13th and 14th 2011
Full information on:
The AH international conference focuses on scientific contributions
towards augmenting humans capabilities through technology for
increased well-being and enjoyable human experience. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Augmented and Mixed
Reality, Internet of Things, Augmented Sport, Sensors and
Hardware, Wearable Computing, Augmented Health, Augmented
Well-being, Smart artifacts & Smart Textiles, Augmented Tourism
and Games, Ubiquitous Computing, Bionics and Biomechanics
Training/Rehabilitation Technology, Exoskeletons,
Brain Computer Interface, Augmented Context-Awareness,
Augmented Fashion, Safety, Ethics and Legal Aspects,
Security and Privacy Aspects"
Sounds exciting! The majority of researchers in the PC are from France and Japan.
Important Dates:
December 23rd 2010, paper submission deadline
January 22nd 2011, author notification
March 12th/13th/14th 2011, Conference in Tokyo
"The second Augmented Human (AH) International Conference will be held
in Tokyo Water Front on March 12th, 13th and 14th 2011
Full information on:
towards augmenting humans capabilities through technology for
increased well-being and enjoyable human experience. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Augmented and Mixed
Reality, Internet of Things, Augmented Sport, Sensors and
Hardware, Wearable Computing, Augmented Health, Augmented
Well-being, Smart artifacts & Smart Textiles, Augmented Tourism
and Games, Ubiquitous Computing, Bionics and Biomechanics
Training/Rehabilitation Technology, Exoskeletons,
Brain Computer Interface, Augmented Context-Awareness,
Augmented Fashion, Safety, Ethics and Legal Aspects,
Security and Privacy Aspects"
Sounds exciting! The majority of researchers in the PC are from France and Japan.
Important Dates:
December 23rd 2010, paper submission deadline
January 22nd 2011, author notification
March 12th/13th/14th 2011, Conference in Tokyo
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Comprehensive and modern German book on HCI by Bernhard Preim and Raimund Dachselt

Ed H. Chi visiting our Lab

Ed, thanks again for the feedback and the many ideas you shared with us!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Keynote: Steve Benford talking on "Designing Trajectories Through Entertainment Experiences"

I particularly liked the example of "Day of the figurines". Steve showed the video of experiences they created and discussed the observations and findings in detail. He related this work to the notion of trajectories [1], [2]. He made the point that historic trajectory are especially well suited to support spectators.
Some years back I worked with Steve in the Equator and we even have a jointed publication [3] :-) When looking for these references I came across another interesting paper - related to thrill and excitement, which he discussed in the final part of the talk [4].

[1] Benford, S. and Giannachi, G. 2008. Temporal trajectories in shared interactive narratives. In Proceeding of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05 - 10, 2008). CHI '08. ACM, New York, NY, 73-82. DOI=
[2] Benford, S., Giannachi, G., Koleva, B., and Rodden, T. 2009. From interaction to trajectories: designing coherent journeys through user experiences. In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, MA, USA, April 04 - 09, 2009). CHI '09. ACM, New York, NY, 709-718. DOI=
[3] Benford, S., Schnädelbach, H., Koleva, B., Anastasi, R., Greenhalgh, C., Rodden, T., Green, J., Ghali, A., Pridmore, T., Gaver, B., Boucher, A., Walker, B., Pennington, S., Schmidt, A., Gellersen, H., and Steed, A. 2005. Expected, sensed, and desired: A framework for designing sensing-based interaction. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 12, 1 (Mar. 2005), 3-30. DOI=
[4] Schnädelbach, H., Rennick Egglestone, S., Reeves, S., Benford, S., Walker, B., and Wright, M. 2008. Performing thrill: designing telemetry systems and spectator interfaces for amusement rides. In Proceeding of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05 - 10, 2008). CHI '08. ACM, New York, NY, 1167-1176. DOI=
Monday, 13 September 2010
Opening Keynote of Mensch&Computer 2010 by Ed H. Chi

Random link from the talk:
Ed discussed yahoo's social pattern library:
This pattern library is pretty interesting. I found the reputation pattern pretty comprehensive. It seems that this library is now comprehensive enough for using it for real and in teaching.
[1] Chi, E. H., Hong, L., Gumbrecht, M., and Card, S. K. 2005. ScentHighlights: highlighting conceptually-related sentences during reading. In Proceedings of the 10th international Conference on intelligent User interfaces (San Diego, California, USA, January 10 - 13, 2005). IUI '05. ACM, New York, NY, 272-274. DOI=
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Mensch und Computer 2010 at the University of Duisburg-Essen

The paper program starting on Monday was selective as we had 119 submissions (full and short papers) and the committee chose 41 to be presented at the conference (is about 34% acceptance rate).
A restaurant to remember (in a very positive sense): Dreigiebelhaus.
Friday, 10 September 2010
Our Paper on Mobile Product Review Systems at Mobile HCI 2010

Our general recommendation is to allow users to rate products on a scale (e.g. using stars) in different, potentially user defined categories. For a more detailed discussion see the paper [1].

[1] von Reischach, F., Dubach, E., Michahelles, F., and Schmidt, A. 2010. An evaluation of product review modalities for mobile phones. In Proceedings of the 12th international Conference on Human Computer interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Lisbon, Portugal, September 07 - 10, 2010). MobileHCI '10. ACM, New York, NY, 199-208. DOI=
Research has shown that product reviews on the Internet not only support consumers when shopping, but also lead to increased sales for retailers. Recent approaches successfully use smart phones to directly relate products (e.g. via barcode or RFID) to corresponding reviews, making these available to consumers on the go. However, it is unknown what modality (star ratings/text/video) users consider useful for creating reviews and using reviews on their mobile phone, and how the preferred modalities are different from those on the Web. To shed light on this we conduct two experiments, one of them in a quasi-realistic shopping environment. The results indicate that, in contrast to the known approaches, stars and pre-structured text blocks should be implemented on mobile phones rather than long texts and videos. Users prefer less and rather well-aggregated product information while on the go. This accounts both for entering and, surprisingly, also for using product reviews.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Tobii Mobile Eye-Tracker

Keynote by Josh Ulm at Mobile HCI 2010
Josh Ulm discussed how branding (and marketing in more general) has evolved and how this is now central to user experience and user interface design. He started out with showing how Nike changed marketing with the "Just Do It" campaign. He suggested that this was a transition from a product focus to a personal usage focus asking "who you become if you use the product".
Moving towards more resent trends he argued that the iPod made the interaction with the product the essential part of the branding. With examples such as eBay and Google he showed that interaction in combination with information presentation becomes that discriminating factor and the way these brands define themselves. Overall this suggests that the user interaction and user experience is the central part for making a brand to stand out.
Standing out is not sufficient however. The experience has to be ownable. Using zappos as an example he showed how such an experience needs to be consistent across all touch points with the user - especially if you are defining your brand by experience - in short a brand has to have a unique user experience that is associated with the brand only. To achieve this there are three ingredients:
As a further example of a strong Differentiation he showed Jeff Fong's Metro UI for the new Windows mobile phone platform. If you have not seen the design check this out. It is very different from current Android and iPhone UIs. Everyone is really curious how it will do in the market…

Standing out is not sufficient however. The experience has to be ownable. Using zappos as an example he showed how such an experience needs to be consistent across all touch points with the user - especially if you are defining your brand by experience - in short a brand has to have a unique user experience that is associated with the brand only. To achieve this there are three ingredients:
- Values - "values have to extent into every single touchpoint of the experience"
- Differentiation "you need to stand out in the market place" - many companies do not innovate enough, you have to take risks to stand out because you have to stand out a lot to be different - most companies do only innovate a little
- Integrity - internal consistency - the brand is about what customers really touch - what reaches the customers - can a customer recognize that this is your experience, detail matter
As a further example of a strong Differentiation he showed Jeff Fong's Metro UI for the new Windows mobile phone platform. If you have not seen the design check this out. It is very different from current Android and iPhone UIs. Everyone is really curious how it will do in the market…
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Opening Keynote of Mobile HCI by Patrick Baudisch

Patrick made an insightful analogy between small screens and theater stage, arguing that the both have a similar problem: the lack space to show everything you would like to show due to a constraint space. The solutions in the theater can give a good inspiration for designing mobile UIs. He mentioned three typical solutions used in the theater:
- Partially out of the frame - you show something only to a small part and the user's imagination will fill in for the rest. In the theater an example is a ocean liner where you only see a very small part but people imagine the rest. The halo visualization technique [1] is one example for this approach on a mobile device.
- In and out points - people enter and leave the stage at given points providing an illusion of a comprehensible world around the stage (and in the UI case around the screen)
- Direction of interaction to invisible targets - by talking/pointing/looking into a certain direction actors can create an impression of interacting with someone at a certain location - who is not really there and who's position is off the stage.

Looking at the current re-appearance of watch based computers and phones the idea of back side interaction becomes more and more interesting. In one design he showed how one can interact with a watch size device by interacting on buckle of the watch band. For more on back of device interaction see [2].
[1] Baudisch, P. and Rosenholtz, R. 2003. Halo: a technique for visualizing off-screen objects. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, April 05 - 10, 2003). CHI '03. ACM, New York, NY, 481-488. DOI=
[2] Baudisch, P. and Chu, G. 2009. Back-of-device interaction allows creating very small touch devices. In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, MA, USA, April 04 - 09, 2009). CHI '09. ACM, New York, NY, 1923-1932. DOI=
Opening of MobileHCI 2010

The statistics also shows the conference has a strong European focus (in contrast to CHI and UIST that are US dominated). Over the next years we want to make the Mobile HCI conference more international and attract more submissions and participation from around the world and in particular for the US. The plan is to have the conference 2012 in the US. Next year I will help (as paper co-chair) to run mobile HCI 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden. If you have ideas how to make the conference more attractive to people in America and Asia please let me know!
The deadline for submitting to mobile HCI 2011 is Janaury 28th, 2011.
SiMPE 2010, Keynote: Trends and Challenges in Mobile Interaction
I was invited to give a keynote talk at the 5th Workshop on Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments that was held as a part of ACM MobileHCI 2010 in Lisbon, Portugal. Over the last years we looked at speech as an additional modality in the automotive user interface domain; besides this my experience with speech interfaces is limited.
My talk, with the title "Trends and Challenges in Mobile Interaction" looked at different issues in mobile interaction. In some parts I reflected on modalities and opportunities for speech interaction.
When characterizing mobile interaction I pointed out the following points:
One issue that made me think more was the question about natural language speech vs. specific speech commands. A colleague pointed me to Speech Graffiti [1] / Universal Speech Interface at CMU. I wonder if it would make sense to invent a Human Computer Interaction language (with a simple grammar and a vocabulary) that we could teach in a course over several weeks (e.g. similar effort than touch typing on a QUERTY keyboard) or as a foreign language at school to have a new effective means for interaction. Could this make us more effictive in interacting with information? Or should we try harder to get natural languge interaction working? Looking at the way (experienced) people use Google we can see that people adapt very successfully - probably faster than systems improve…
From some of the talks it seems that "Push to talk" seems to be a real issue for users and a reason for many user related errors in speech systems. Users do not push at the appropriate time, especially when there are other tasks to do, and hence utterances are cut off at the start and end. I would guess continuous recording of the speech and using the "push to talk" only as an indicator where to search in the audio stream may be a solution.
[1] Tomko, S. and Rosenfeld, R. 2004. Speech graffiti vs. natural language: assessing the user experience. In Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2004: Short Papers (Boston, Massachusetts, May 02 - 07, 2004). Human Language Technology Conference. Association for Computational Linguistics, Morristown, NJ, 73-76.
My talk, with the title "Trends and Challenges in Mobile Interaction" looked at different issues in mobile interaction. In some parts I reflected on modalities and opportunities for speech interaction.
When characterizing mobile interaction I pointed out the following points:
- Interacting while on the move
- Interaction is one of the user's tasks (besides others - e.g. walking, standing in a crowd)
- Environment in which the interaction takes place changes (e.g. on the train with varying light and noise conditions)
- Interruptions happen frequently (e.g. boarding the bus, crossing the road)
- Application usage is short (typically seconds to minutes)
- Simple and Understandable
- Perceptive and Context-Aware
- Unobtrusive, Embedded and Integrated
- Low Cognitive Load and Peripheral Usage
- Users want to be in Control (especially on the move)
One issue that made me think more was the question about natural language speech vs. specific speech commands. A colleague pointed me to Speech Graffiti [1] / Universal Speech Interface at CMU. I wonder if it would make sense to invent a Human Computer Interaction language (with a simple grammar and a vocabulary) that we could teach in a course over several weeks (e.g. similar effort than touch typing on a QUERTY keyboard) or as a foreign language at school to have a new effective means for interaction. Could this make us more effictive in interacting with information? Or should we try harder to get natural languge interaction working? Looking at the way (experienced) people use Google we can see that people adapt very successfully - probably faster than systems improve…
From some of the talks it seems that "Push to talk" seems to be a real issue for users and a reason for many user related errors in speech systems. Users do not push at the appropriate time, especially when there are other tasks to do, and hence utterances are cut off at the start and end. I would guess continuous recording of the speech and using the "push to talk" only as an indicator where to search in the audio stream may be a solution.
[1] Tomko, S. and Rosenfeld, R. 2004. Speech graffiti vs. natural language: assessing the user experience. In Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2004: Short Papers (Boston, Massachusetts, May 02 - 07, 2004). Human Language Technology Conference. Association for Computational Linguistics, Morristown, NJ, 73-76.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Lab visit in Chengdu, University of Electronic and Science Technology of China

I hope this symposium will help us to start some more collaboration. As a next step we plan a summer school on Human Computer Interaction next year in Germany.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Public Displays in Chengdu
Live experience - media consumption is social

Chinese German Symposium on Wearable Computing in Chengdu

My talk was entitled "Interaction on the Move - Wearable User Interfaces" and look at a very high level perspective at mobile and wearable interaction. As the main objective of the symposium is to initiate collaboration I also included some slides on the other work we are doing.

Feng Tian, one of the top HCI researchers in China gave an overview of their current work which I found very exciting (especially the projects related to sports and education). Hopefully there is a chance for future collaboration.

[1] Healey, J. and Picard, R. W. 1998. StartleCam: A Cybernetic Wearable Camera. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE international Symposium on Wearable Computers (October 19 - 20, 1998). ISWC. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 42.
In the talks and conversation I saw a set of technologies I like to remember (and share) some of them:
- Motion sensing suit from XSens
- Personal Display Carl Zeiss Cinemizer 3D Plus
- MotionNode - a 3-DOF inertial measurement unit (IMU)
Monday, 23 August 2010
Decorative Displays in Zürich Railway Station

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