Friday 4 May 2007

Our Presentations at CHI’07 in San Jose

At this years CHI - the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - we presented 3 contributions: a full paper, a CHI-note, and a work in progress paper. Have a look at them!

Holleis, P., Otto, F., Hussmann, H., and Schmidt, A. 2007. Keystroke-level model for advanced mobile phone interaction. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Jose, California, USA, April 28 - May 03, 2007). CHI '07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1505-1514. DOI=

Atterer, R. and Schmidt, A. 2007. Tracking the interaction of users with AJAX applications for usability testing. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Jose, California, USA, April 28 - May 03, 2007). CHI '07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1347-1350. DOI=

Holleis, P., Kern, D., and Schmidt, A. 2007. Integrating user performance time models in the design of tangible UIs. In CHI '07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Jose, CA, USA, April 28 - May 03, 2007). CHI '07. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2423-2428. DOI=


bernie said...

Hello Mr. Atterer,
Thanks for sharing all of your research at an easy-to-find place. I attended your "Tracking Interaction w/ AJAX" talk at Chi, but haven't been able to find a download of the software you talked about at that talk. Do you happen to know if one will be available, or if it will be available?

Albrecht Schmidt said...

perhaps Richard talked about the UsaProxy software?

bernie said...

You're absolutely right. I thought I didn't recognize your face...hehe And yes, that's the link I was looking for. Thank you so much for your speedy reply!