Wednesday 4 July 2007

Visiting the pervasive computing labs @ Johannes Kepler University in Linz

It is always great to visit the pervasive computing labs in Linz - always new and cool research to see. Looking at my my Google News-Alert it seems that the term “pervasive” is dominate by Alois :-)

Alois Ferscha showed me their interaction cube. It is a really interesting piece of research and the background and argument of the cinematic of the hand shows a deep insight. There are some slides on the Telekom Austria Cube that are worthwhile to look at. It is interesting that he has gone successfully the full cycle from concept to product (image is taken from the slide show).

We talked about location systems and what options are available on the market. In Linz they have one room where they have high accuracy tracking based on an array of InterSense systems. Our experience in Bonn with the ubisense system has been mixed so far. Perhaps there are different technologies to come (or we have to develop them).

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