Sunday 27 March 2011

Online German Language Corpus, UCREL Summer School

At the University of Leipzig a German Language corpus is available (Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz). The database can be queried from different programming languages and access is also possible via a web service. Requests can ask for co-occurrences of words, base forms, about words that often occur to the right and to the left of the word, word frequency, synonyms and much more. If you develop text input systems this may be a very useful resource, see the web services overview page (with links to downloads), the list of web-service-requests offered or have a look at some php-examples.

You can try the service interactively at See the pictures for an example query on the term Internet. They also feature a German-English dictionary.

Since I shared and office at Lancaster University with Paul Rayson from UCREL (University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language) I find corpus linguistics an interesting topic. By the way UCREL runs a Summer School in Corpus Linguistics from 13 to 15 July 2011 - would love to go there...

Friday 25 March 2011

WP7 Tutorial - part 3: Using Location

In this example the use of the location API is demonstrated. The API is a high level interface to geo location. How the location is determined (e.g. GPS, GSM cell information) is of no concern to the developer.

The basic approach is to create an instance of GeoCoordinateWatcher and register two callback functions: one for when the status changes and one for when the location changes. The program demonstrates how these call backs are set up and how from within those function the user interface is updated with the received information. If the status is changes, the program checks what the current status is, and shows this in the status line (textBlock8.Text). If the position is changed then the new position information (Position.Location.Longitude, Position.Location.Latitude) - and additional information such as Speed, Altitude, Course, Accuracy are shown.

As an exercise you can build an application that shows you how close you are to a given target. In two input fields you enter the longitude and latitude of the destination (e.g. a geo cache location). And then you can calculate the difference from the current position to the target location and visualize or sonify the distance.

There is another example (Geo coordinate watcher) how to use this API on the Microsoft msdn website. In C. Petzold's book there is also a good example, see page 91ff.

See below the c# example using geo location on a windows phone 7. You can also download the geolocation project directory in a single ZIP-file.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.Phone.Controls;
using System.Device;
using System.Device.Location;

// the example shows the basic functionality of the location device
// you need to add in the solution explorer a reference to System.Device
// right click on References in the solution explorer, click Add Reference, and then
// System.Device
// Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart

// for a more comprehensive example see:
// and page 91ff, C. Petzold, Programming Windows Phone 7

namespace Geo_Location
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
GeoCoordinateWatcher watcher;

// Constructor
public MainPage()

// the initialize and start button is pressed
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// initialize the geo watcher with defaul accuracy (battery saving)
// user GeoPositionAccuracy.High for higher accuracy
watcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher(GeoPositionAccuracy.Default);
// set movement threhold - as distance in meters - default is 0
watcher.MovementThreshold = 10;

// add a handler that is called when position is changed more than MovementThreshold
watcher.PositionChanged += new EventHandler<GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate>>(watcher_PositionChanged);
// a handler for status change
watcher.StatusChanged += new EventHandler<GeoPositionStatusChangedEventArgs>(watcher_StatusChanged);

// Start reading location data

void watcher_StatusChanged(object sender, GeoPositionStatusChangedEventArgs e)
// you cannot change the UI in this function -> you have to call the UI Thread
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => ChangeStatusUI(e));

void ChangeStatusUI(GeoPositionStatusChangedEventArgs e)
String statusType="";
if ((e.Status) == GeoPositionStatus.Disabled)
statusType = "GeoPositionStatus.Disabled";
if ((e.Status) == GeoPositionStatus.Initializing)
statusType = "GeoPositionStatus.Initializing";
if ((e.Status) == GeoPositionStatus.NoData)
statusType = "GeoPositionStatus.NoData";
if ((e.Status) == GeoPositionStatus.Ready)
statusType = "GeoPositionStatus.Ready";
textBlock8.Text = statusType;

void watcher_PositionChanged(object sender, GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate> e)
// you cannot change the UI in this function -> you have to call the UI Thread
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => ChangeUI(e));

void ChangeUI(GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate> e)
textBlock1.Text = "Longitute: " + e.Position.Location.Longitude;
textBlock2.Text = "Latitute: " + e.Position.Location.Latitude;
textBlock3.Text = "Speed: " + e.Position.Location.Speed;
textBlock4.Text = "Altitude: " + e.Position.Location.Altitude;
textBlock5.Text = "Course: " + e.Position.Location.Course;
textBlock6.Text = "Vertical Accuracy: " + e.Position.Location.VerticalAccuracy;
textBlock7.Text = "Horizontal Accuracy: " + e.Position.Location.HorizontalAccuracy;
textBlock8.Text = "location updated at " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

// the stop button clicked ... stop the watcher
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (watcher != null) { watcher.Stop(); }
textBlock8.Text = "location reading stopped";

Percom 2011 in Seattle, keynote

This year's Percom conference was held in Seattle and offered an exciting and diverse program. Have a look the program to see it for yourself. The two keynotes were both looking at the implications of pervasive computing and communication - especially when thinking about the data is collected and how the data may be used.

Alex Pentland from MIT talked about their work on reality mining. The work looks at how one can capture interactions between people and between people and their environment and how such information can be exploited. One example he gave was on looking at the effect of face to face communication on the performance on workers. The basics insights of this work are thrilling and thinking it through it becomes obvious that we are at the start of new era of mankind. The arguments he made that we can contain and control such information I did not find convincing and I think it may be dangerous to tell decision makers in politics that we can provide solutions. I see no way (that is not restricting people's freedom massively or which reduces productivity massively) that would allow to control the information that will become available through pervasive computing… and all the solutions I have heard either will plainly not work or would require a global agreement over data protection laws…

The keynote on the second day was by Derek McAuley from Nottingham University. One of his topics was on product history and how the availability of product history has the potential to increase the value of products. I think this is a very powerful concept and we will in the near future see this commercially exploited.
Furthermore Dereck discussed interesting issues that come up with crowd sourcing and participatory sensing. One central point is where the data is hold and who controls the data collected. Especially in the context of cloud services this becomes transparent and important at the same time. With regard to the implementation is does not matter; however from a legal perspective it may make a serious difference whether you cloud service runs in German, the US, or on a ship somewhere in the Atlantic. An example he gave are navigation systems in cars which have a back channel. The cars sent back information about their speed and whereabouts and the information is used to predict the state of the road, which is then used to improve the navigation. He raised the questions what happens if this information is held somewhere were legislation has no control? I think this is going to happen and there is no real approach against it…
He made a case that end-users (individuals) should be able to bring together information about them and make use of it. On principle I like this idea to put the individual into control and allow them to exploit this data. For me this is however not a solution for data protection, as a certain part of individuals will sell their data - and in a free country there is probably very little society can do against it.

In summary - we are heading towards an exciting future!

PS: Percom 2012 will be in Lugano with Silvia and Marc chairing the conference. And I have the honor to serve as program chair. See the web page for more information (will be available soon) or the photo of the call for papers here.

Saturday 19 March 2011

WP7 Tutorial - part 2: Vibration

This examples shows how to activate the vibration motor / vibration actuator in the phone. The calls Microsoft.Devices.VibrateController.Default.Start and Microsoft.Devices.VibrateController.Default.Stop are used to switch the actuator on and off.
When switching the vibration on the parameter sets the duration for which it should be on. The duration is between 0 and 5 seconds. With the function TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration), where duration is a number, the parameter can be set easily.

The standard API only supports to switch on and off the vibration. We experimenting with the code you can explore how to have vibrations of different intensity. To do this you have to switch on and off the vibration (e.g. 100 ms on then 50 ms off) - basically doing pulse-width modulation.

There is more information on the vibration controller on the Microsoft site.

See below the c# example for controling the vibration a windows phone 7.
You can also download the vibration project directory in a single ZIP-file.

using System;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.Phone.Controls;

// example of how switch on the vibration motor for a given time
// another call to switch it off
// Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart

// see:

namespace Vibration
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
// Constructor
public MainPage()

private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
double duration;
duration = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);
if (duration > 5000)
duration = 5000;
// starts the vibrations (valid duration are between 0 and 5 seconds)

private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Friday 18 March 2011

WP7 Tutorial - part 1: Phone calls and SMS

Over the next weeks I like to share some examples I have created while learning to program the Windows Phone 7 platform. The tutorial is mainly explaining some of the APIs and components I found interesting (in particular related to context-awareness and human computer interaction).

If you are really new to programming on this platform the App-Hub is probably a good place to start. There are also plenty of helpful examples on the Microsoft web page. As prerequisite for this tutorial I assume that you have successfully installed Visual Studio (Express), the windows phone development tools, and that you have managed to get your first "Hello World" written, compiled, and deployed. There is also plenty of material on youtube that helps to get started. The Programming Windows Phone 7 book by Charles Petzold (free available as PDF) is also a good starting point.

Several examples that follow in the tutorial (e.g. vibration, accelerometer) having a real phone to test the programs is highly recommended.

The Windows Phone 7 is a phone and hence I start with a program that makes use of the basic phone functionality: making a phone call and sending an SMS.

This example also highlights the approach taken in several of the APIs. Your program (a third party application) is restricted to transfers control to the phones basic functions when making a call or sending an SMS. Basically the API call opens the phone/SMS applications with the parameters you hand over. From a security point of view this is nice as an application can not send SMS or do phone calls without the user recognizing (and agreeing to) it. From a programming perspective this has disadvantages as automation of functionality (e.g. always sent an SMS when I am coming closer than 10 km to home) is not possible.

The example demonstrates how to access interactively the phone book (using the PhoneNumberChooserTask), how to initiate a phone call task (using Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.PhoneCallTask), and how to initiate a SMS task (using Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.SmsComposeTask).
The PhoneNumberChooserTask is an example of a callback - used a lot when programming for WP7. The basic concept is to register a function that is called when an event happens. In this case the event is that the number is chosen and then the function myPhoneNumberChooser_Completed is called. The nice thing with Visual Studio is that you do not have to type this (or remember the syntax) - just use the TAB-key after you typed +=

See below the c# example for sending SMS and making a phone call. You can also download the Phone/SMS project directory in a single ZIP-file.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Microsoft.Phone.Controls;
using Microsoft.Phone.Tasks;

// example how to invoke a phone call and an SMS from a program
// the basic approach is that you can set the phone number (and
// for SMS the message body) and then you call the phone/sms
// application
// Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart
// more on how to invoke phone tasks (photo, email, ...)

namespace Phone_Call_and_SMS
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
// Constructor
public MainPage()

// choose a phone number
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
PhoneNumberChooserTask myPhoneNumberChooser;
myPhoneNumberChooser = new PhoneNumberChooserTask();
myPhoneNumberChooser.Completed += new EventHandler&lt;PhoneNumberResult&gt;(myPhoneNumberChooser_Completed);

// call back after the phone number is choosen
void myPhoneNumberChooser_Completed(object sender, PhoneNumberResult e)
if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
textBox1.Text = e.PhoneNumber.ToString();

// making a phone call (opening the sms application with presets)
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.PhoneCallTask phonecall = new Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.PhoneCallTask();
phonecall.PhoneNumber = textBox1.Text; // set phone number

// sending an sms (opening the sms application with presets)
private void button3_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.SmsComposeTask sms = new Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.SmsComposeTask();
sms.To = textBox1.Text; // set phone number
sms.Body = textBox2.Text; // set body

Source code formating in blogspot

I am putting together a Windows Phone 7 tutorial ... and then I came across the issue of how to include code in the blog posts. Here is the solution.

First get the code nicely formatted - the following tools may help

Then include the prettyprint function into your Blogspot template. The following Link show how:

You have alter the template you can use the following command to include code in the HTML code with the pre-tag and the class=prettyprint.

Alternatively you can convert source code into HTML:

more links at

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Visualization - Tokyo Underground Map

I spotted this visualization of an underground line in Tokyo and thought that I can use this as an interesting introductory example in information visualization. The very simple question is: what does this visualization communicate to the user? The bi-lingual labeled picture is quite rich in the way it communicates the information. Take as one example the visualization of "Where am I?" and "Where is the train going to?". This is visualized in multiple and redundant ways: (1) the station where the user is highlighted with a red background color, (2) the visualization of the underground line has a break at the current station, (3) the stations the train has already passed are lighter colored (pink) as the stations to come, and (4) there is an arrow showing the direction.

Overall I think this is a good example of how to efficiently communicate such information. But be careful if you travel … there are also much more confusing signs around here.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

How will computing change the world? Our view in Computing Now.

Together with Marc Langheinrich and Kristian Kersting we wrote an article on how computing is going to change our world [1] and featured in Computing Now. We discuss how upcoming technologies will change the our perception. Besides others we make the bold statement "By the middle of this century, the boundaries between direct and remote perception will become blurred".

We discuss how our perception is extended and augmented by technical means and how this will eventually lead to a new augmented sense of ubiquitous perception. We expect this will radically change the way we live and hence ethical considerations are central. We make the argument that ethics become a major design factor. We are looking forward to feedback on this vision - even if you disagree.

[1] Albrecht Schmidt, Marc Langheinrich, Kritian Kersting, "Perception beyond the Here and Now," Computer, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 86-88, Feb. 2011, doi:10.1109/MC.2011.54 (PDF)

Lukowicz Consumer Confidence Index

Paul Lukowicz taked in the symposium on Interaction with Smart Artifacts in Tokyo about "Large scale, context aware socio-technical systems". As a number of other talks in our symposium he also pointed out that value of the massive amounts of data that become available by mobile sensing and crowd interaction.

Paul gave one example how such sensing data could be used. I think this is really interesting that is why I share here the Paul "Lukowicz Consumer Confidence Index" (CCIL) which is based on detecting the whereabouts of people. It assumes that we can estimate the number of people shopping at various places based on the use of their mobile devices.

Monday 7 March 2011

Interesting touch technology: PhotoelasticTouch

Hideki Koike talked at the Symposium on Interaction with Smart Artifacts in Tokyo. One of the examples he showed is the PhotoelasticTouch technology. The idea is to use a transparent gel and the effect of photoelasticity to detect interaction on a surface, see [1] for details. [2] give a brief overview (the picture below is taken from this publication).
There is a nice youtube videp the shows the concept very well:

[1] Toshiki Sato, Haruko Mamiya, Hideki Koike, and Kentaro Fukuchi. 2009. PhotoelasticTouch: transparent rubbery tangible interface using an LCD and photoelasticity. In Proceedings of the 22nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 43-50. DOI=10.1145/1622176.1622185

[2] One page abstract:

Saturday 5 March 2011

Lab Tour on arrival in Tokyo

After a long day/night of travelling I arrived in Tokyo. Arriving at the hotel we were met by our Japanese Colleague Yoshito Tobe and guided us to a Lab tour in the afternoon. We went by train to the Morikawa Labs in the Komaba Research Campus at the University of Tokyo.

At the lab students from different group showed us their work and discussed their ideas with us. To mention only a few things I got to try out a tutoring system for Japanese calligraphy, we saw prototypes for phone based urban sensing, and saw an implementation of a system that communicates between two devices using accelerometers and vibration motors [1].

After the tour we went up a tower building to look at the sunset above Tokyo and we even had a view on Mount Fuji. And as the observation floor is a touristy place there are all sorts of interesting things - and I operated a nice machine to get a puri-CUBE.

Some more photos are available at: (facebook account required) or public on flickr.

[1] vib-connect: A Device Selecting Interface Using Vibration by Hiroshi Nakahara et al. Demo at IOT 2010.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Keyboard I/O hack

During my research visit at Microsoft Research in Cambridge with Steve Hodges group I spend a lot of time building things and programming (Windows Phone 7, C#, microcontroller...) - which I really enjoyed!

In this post I want to share a mini project, I did together with Nic Villar between two coffees … it reminded me somehow of the Friday afternoon projects (=2h projects you do because they are fun and sometimes you learn something) while I did my PhD.

Perhaps some context first: working on Microsoft .NET Gadegteer we discussed many ideas of how to ease code/system creation for physical and embedded computing. Looking into it I came across a number of interesting approaches for software development that runs in the browser. Examples include: (a online compiler for a large number of languages), is a online development environment for Flash that allows to build on other people's code by forking their project, and is a online tool for rapid prototyping of a microcontroller system.

Now to the mini project: a keyboard hack that supports input as well as output. You find many example of keyboard hacks on the web - basically you take out the PCB of the keyboard an replace the keys with something more interesting… here is ours that supports input (which is common) as well as output - from the computer (or web browser) to the environment. Using AQW210EH allows more flexibility in what you drive and what you create the inputs with. The attractive thing in using a keyboard is that it will work without a driver - you just plug it in and it works.

To control it I wrote a java applet and some JavaScript code. Basically the java-applet is controlling the Scroll-Lock LED and from the website this is called via JavaScript (try here if it works on your computer - if it works your CAPS, NUM, and SCROLL LED will blink once the web page is open). I tried it on some Windows machines and it worked well - the java applet seems not to work on a Mac (so you probably have to find another way to set you Scroll Lock LED programmatically). You can extend the output to CAPSLOCK and NUMLOCK - but these are sometimes used - in contrast to the SCROLL LOCK. Input is simple - by connecting one of the rows to one of the colloms you generate a letter comes in as if you would type it. The nice thing with USB is that you can have multiple keyboards connected at the same time (however the LEDs are synchronized between them).

In C# you can use the SendKeys.Send("{SCROLLLOCK}") command (for details see:, The SendKeys.Send may only give an pulse to the LED and hence you may need to call a system function.

Using a JavaApplet it looks like this.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
public class keyLed extends Applet {
Font f = new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,20);
String strMessage;
Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
public void init() {
setStrMessage("Applet loaded.");
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString(this.strMessage, 100 , 25);
public void ScrollLedOn() {
setStrMessage("Scroll on");
public void ScrollLedOff() {
setStrMessage("Scroll off");

And in HTML/JavaScript you call it:
<APPLET CODEBASE="." CODE="keyLed.class" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=50 NAME="keyLedApplet">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
function LEDOn()
function LEDOff()

Workshop: Context-aware QoS

The deadline for the workshop on "International Workshop on Context-aware QoS Provisioning and Management for Emerging Networks, Applications and Services" is extended to March 18. Please have a look at the call for papers:

The workshop is co-located with 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2011 from July 31 - August 4, 2011 at the Sheraton Hotel and Resort, Maui, Hawaii.