Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Lab started: Developing Interactive Mobile Applications
Shortly after lunch everyone had there first application written and deployed to the phone. In the afternoon we looked into sending an SMS from JAVA using the messaging API.... And this is fairly easy.
For more details on the course see:
Seeing the possibilities of JAVA ME and how quick people get applications running made me wonder how long it takes till we have massive mal-ware, viruses and spam on the phone. Secutity on phones may be one of the upcomming challenges.
Monday, 19 February 2007
Thoughts on Wearable Computing and Communication
This morning we took some time to walk along Nevsky Prospekt, crossing
After this, many ideas that we recently discussed on wearable computing and communication made much more sense (at least a lot more that skiing and snowboarding scenarios). A headset in a fashionable scarf, a pair of gloves with camera and display, and controls included in a jacket appeared at once very reasonable. Creating an interactive experience – especially controlling the communication and the applications is an interesting challenge (perhaps an interesting student project?).
Educational Fair in St. Petersburg
Together with Alexandra Reitelmann I am in
The discussions with potential students and in some cases with their parents were interesting. It showed that there is a demand for high quality education and that
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008 in Bonn

Some thoughts to keep in mind for 2008… In the discussion it was suggested that we capture the conference next year on video and put the online or stream them. Furthermore several people argue for workshops as part of the conference. To have papers of different length, which may be presented in different forms (talks, exhibitions, demos, posters) but which are all equal in the proceedings was generally welcome. It was suggested that videos should feature in the submission to the program in one way or another. To make it easier for participants to have demos but also see other demos it was suggested to have student volunteers to help. The publication in the ACM digital library was seen by most people I spoke to as an important plus of the conference.
Friday, 16 February 2007
Affectionate Computing
The central question is really how can we create intimacy in communication an interaction with and through technology? The prototype showed networked soft objects, that include sensors that recognize tactile qualities and gesture interaction. There are more details in her paper published at TEI’07.
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Nicolas Villar & Wolfang Spießl present at TEI’07

The paper is available at
Keynote at TEI’07 by Tom Rodden
A central lesson from his talk for me is to look more closely how to design interactive systems so that people can exploit the technical weakness of system creatively. We will always have to deal with sensors systems, context-recognition, and learning algorithms that are not 100% perfect. I find it interesting to see this rather as a resource for design than a problem. The experience Tom reported from CYSMN ( show nicely how people make use of GPS inaccuracies in a game.
A further point to keep in mind is that when triggering events based on context you may get boundary effects that can break the user experience. Tom gave an example of children finding virtual animals based on location. The effect was that they stopped when the saw an animal on their device – and this was at the boundary of the trigger area. This led to cases where the animal appeared and disappeared on the device and the children were puzzled about this effect. Hence one should really be careful how to put triggers – and I would expect that this is generally applicable to context-awareness not just to location-aware application.
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
The Workshop webpage is online at: and papers are due at 29.04.07. I am really looking forward to seeing the submissions.
Thursday, 8 February 2007
Nigel visiting, discussion on transportation
Nigel Davies from Lancaster University in the UK is visiting our group at Fraunhofer and b-it. It was really good to have some time - basically most of the day - to discuss interesting research questions and new direction in pervasive computing.
We discovered that we recently have both looked more into issues related to transport and tracking. I learned about possibilities for developing apps for the TomTom navigation system(which is running linux) and the trakm8 in-car-unit. We had a look at Michael Müller's (master student I supervise in Munich) video of the smart transport container (more details on this at CeBIT).
Both of us are really interested how personal transportation is going to change and how computer science will make its contributions to that? The discussion on motives and motivations for choosing a particular mode of transport, what are the perceived values of certain transport modalities, and how can we influence them made me really think of implications of pervasive computing that are to come.
It is remarkable that as "cars" become more programmable interesting research projects start at many different institutions looking into automotive computing on an application level with an aim for new user experience and additional services/functionalities.
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Web 2.0 for any page and site in the WWW
We think it is an interesting challenges to create a system that allows users to annotate any web page and make these annotations available to others.
With the concept we envision to bring Web 2.0 to any page and site in the WWW. Interactivity and community features are provided independently of the content provider and authors.
Sunday, 4 February 2007
Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007